
Sport, Exercise and Physical activity can and does have a very powerful and positive influence on people – especially young people. 

Not only can it provide opportunities for enjoyment and achievement; it can also develop valuable qualities such as self-esteem, leadership and teamwork. 

These positive effects can only take place if the sport and activity is in the right hands, namely in the hands of those who prioritise the welfare of all people – to include children, young people and vulnerable adults and include all adults of every description and adopt practices that support, protect and empower them.

Sobey Fitness is committed to working in partnership with all agencies to ensure that information and training opportunities are available to ensure best practice when working with children, young people and vulnerable adults. 

Adopting best practice will help to safeguard them from actual or potential abuse as well as reducing the likelihood of allegations being made about coaches and other adults in positions of responsibility in all activities.

Whether training in a local or regional club, or representing their region or country, we believe that all children, and vulnerable young people have the right to enjoy their sport safely.  Equally their parents or carers need to be confident that their children are respected and kept safe.

Our historic best practice procedures follow those found on the WAKO GB website – our primary, and original training came from the Martial Arts world – they’re documentation can be found at: